5 Ways to Put Some FUN Into Your Internet Marketing Campaign

Internet marketing can be boring, BUT it can be fun, too. Add some jazz to your campaign and watch as your customers get out of their seats and join in on the action. Get Your Social On Social media is quickly becoming one of the most important ways of introducing your business to and engaging your customers. While Facebook has been getting all the attention in this regard, Twitter has picked up steam fast and Pinterest is gaining ground too. By posting tweets relevant to your niche, it is more likely that those who follow you will have an interest in your business. Make sure to use relevant #hashtags to reach out to a wider spectrum of potential customers, but #do #not #use #too #many, as recent research suggests that hashtags are one of the least attractive/annoying things a Tweeter can do. Use a fun hashtag occasionally - one that isn't about business - to show people that there is a face behind the logo and you are capable of intelligent quips. (I find that both random and sarcastic hashtags are the best at the end of tweets, but they must be friendly.) Whatever you do, make sure you're outside the box when brainstorming. Upload a birthday video to YouTube with cake splattered all over your boss' face. Plan a 'Wear a Prom Dress to Work Day' in your office, take a photo of your team and upload it to Pinterest. Create a new photo album on Facebook that tells the history of your company, with each photo/description being a new chapter in the story. Just remember to have fun... it's supposed to be. Run a Crazy Cool Competition Have you tried running a Leapfrog Contest? It's fun! What about a crazy hair day contest at a retail store? A rain dance competition? Yeah these are a little quirky, but they're fun! And people always love tapping into their inner child. Use a platform like Facebook to get participants and rouse excitement for the campaign. Social networking sites provide the perfect platform for running competitions. You should structure your competitions so that they encourage users to visit your website and Like your homepage. An intriguing competition can get your Facebook page over thirty thousand Likes in a day if planned and executed well. To run a successful contest on Facebook, utilize both online and offline resources and marketing strategies to tap into all audiences. Also make sure to invest in it. Spend a little extra money on cool prices and even economic incentives so people have a reason to participate. If it's worth doing, its worth overdoing, right? Make it YOURTube The most viral videos on YouTube are the funniest/whackiest, and those that people connect with on an emotional level. (For now, let's focus on the latter.) Tickle your audience's funny bones and make people smile. They will definitely spread the word around. Some whacky video ideas could be creating a video collage of pranks pulled on coworkers; having a 'Role Swap Day' where your turn your office into a daycare center and invite your employees' kids to come and watch over things for the day; or dressing up like a superhero - and I mean in full costume - and freaking out employees/customers throughout the day. It's comic timing that matters, along with the priceless expressions that are captured. Internet marketing campaigns based in viral YouTube videos can be great success. Creating viral YouTube videos for your campaign is a long-term strategy that will increase traffic to your site. It has proven very beneficial for some companies in their website marketing in Orange County as well. Since you can leave videos indefinitely on YouTube once they have been posted, your website will continue to enjoy traffic for years after the end of your campaign. You can make these videos go viral by following other tips, like running contests for comments and views. Also make sure to optimize your YouTube videos and profile/channel. Incorporate your targeted keywords as much as you can, making sure they are relevant to the video and seamlessly integrate. Add keywords to the video's title, description and meta tags. It's also a good idea to create a background for YouTube that highlights your brand, includes key information and is both visually appealing and professional to boost your presence as well. Me" Identity Crisis" Noooo... Make a slogan or create a mascot that will make people remember you, or become a pirate! (Yes, I just went there.) People will remember you brandishing your sword and running around in your boxers forever. Top it off with a catchy slogan, like "ARRRGGHH you interested in virtual office solutions?" Okay maybe not a pirate for all companies, but nonetheless, be different. People will remember you. Your slogan should be catchy enough to draw people's attention for a long time. Mascots may not always be ideal for Internet marketing campaigns; however, there are many situations when having one can potentially bring your campaign to the next level. Your mascot should be intriguingly designed with certain visual elements included, such as your company's logo, to ensure that people both remember it and associate it with your business. It's all about brand recognition and awareness. Once you achieve this, you will have effectively captured your niche market and can have more freedom to try different marketing strategies to see what works. Think Outside the Box Numerous techniques have been applied in online marketing campaigns, especially for some focused on Internet Marketing in Orange County for example (hint, hint). For a new business, it can be quite difficult to get people's attention using more traditional means. Thinking outside the box means you have to come up with a unique marketing strategy so as to create your own identity in the online community. For example, you can put a new twist on free giveaways for new customers and rely on their referrals to drive up your traffic. No matter what you do, make sure it makes business sense and is possible, but is something that nobody has ever done before.


Ajay Prasad

Ajay Prasad is the Founder and President of GMR Web Team, a leading healthcare digital marketing agency. He guides small and medium size healthcare practices/businesses in customizing their online marketing strategy, focused on building a loyal base of patients and improving their patient acquisition. Ajay believes in an improved patient experience as the key to successful healthcare business, which can be accomplished with the right marketing plan in place.

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