7 Tips for Offering an Outstanding E-Commerce Customer Service

As online customer reviews begin to overshadow traditional marketing, good reviews can help boost your business. That's why it's important to make sure your e-commerce website design is as user-friendly as possible. Here are some tips to protect your online reputation.

Review your customer service history

By revisiting old messages with customers, you can develop an idea of what your strengths and weaknesses are...

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Online Security Can Influence Holiday Shopping: A Study

During the past year, there have been multiple security breaches with major retailers including Target, Kmart, and Home Depot that have affected tens of millions of consumers. As such, it is not surprising that one quarter of the 3,039 participants in Web.com's second annual small business perception survey stated that they were likely to change their online shopping behaviour during the 2014 holiday season. In fact, nearly one third stated that they were seriously considering changing their habits.

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The Ultimate Ways to Boost Your Holiday Sales

The holiday season is a notoriously slow sales season for everybody that sells something that can’t be put under a Christmas tree. For example, car sales plummet in the winter months around the holidays, and the people who sell cars do everything they can to earn a profit in the slowest months of the year.

While your sales may not be as bad as the average car dealership at this time of the year, the holidays can still be tricky for many salesman and small businesses. However, there are some tips out there that can help you boost sales...

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5 Ways to Surprise Your Customers This Thanksgiving

The holiday season is a time when most consumers are flooded with advertisements for sales, and companies are looking for ways to get them to buy as much as possible. For the savvy consumer, this can feel a little overwhelming, and it can even make some people resentful of the companies they do business with.

If you don’t want your company to be a part of the group consumers resent for their relentless holiday pressure, chances are you’ll need to do something to show them that you value...

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5 Basic Maintenance Drive Your Ecommerce Site Needs

Once you have your website, the most difficult part of creating and operating an e-commerce store is over. However, now you must be concerned with the maintenance.

Your business relies on your site being functional and appealing all of the time, which is why maintenance is vital to keeping your website current and fixing issues as soon as they arise.

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