9 Tips to Convert Mobile Shoppers Into Loyal Customers

Convert Mobile Shoppers into Loyal Customers

Mobile shopping now accounts for over half of all online purchases. But despite the growing marketing emphasis on the mobile market, the conversion rate of mobile is still much less than desktop. The general concepts for turning more mobile users into shoppers are to be space efficient, limit the number of choices and focus on purchasing speed. The following tips will help you increase mobile conversions.

Showcase Products on the Homepage

Use your homepage as a storefront to showcase your most important products. Your homepage should be a gateway into deeper knowledge about your products but it can also be a place where you put the spotlight on useful features. Make sure that the images will display well on a mobile device. It's a good idea to post links to sales and free offers on your homepage. Changing your offers from time to time helps keep your content fresh.

Make the Checkout Process Simple

The checkout process should be as simple and painless as possible. It should not require many steps and there should be nothing confusing about it, especially for mobile users. Simplicity includes keeping the entire process on one page or one scrolling screen. Think about how easy it is for people to buy downloads at iTunes or the App Store. Part of the reason these online stores rose to huge success was that the checkout process was made incredibly simple, with limited information used for transactions.

Limit the Checkout Fields

One way to speed up the online checkout process is to limit the number of checkout fields. Keeping a form simple in general helps conversions. If you ask too many questions or try to retrieve too much information at once, it can be intimidating for online shoppers. Many people are already suspicious about giving away personal information online. It's easier for people to abandon shopping carts than it is to spend too much time in a checkout process.

Focus on Speed

Since mobile users do not have as much time as desktop users, you can get their attention by using keywords that emphasize checkout speed. Many mobile users are looking for a "fast and easy checkout," which should give you keyword ideas. Overall site speed should also be a major concern, as images and pages need to load in a matter of a few seconds or less. If your product pages use big pictures, the pages may load too slowly. The way to speed up the pages is to use smaller images.

Remove Unnecessary CTAs

Call to Action statements work best with desktop users. You need to prioritize your CTAs and decide which ones can be removed. You do not want to flood your site with too many CTAs and you want to make them as simple as possible for mobile users. There is usually not enough space on a mobile screen for product wishlists.

Increase CTA Size

Your mobile site needs to feature "add to cart" and "checkout" buttons that are easy to read. So make these CTAs much bigger than normal text. CTAs can look more official in the form of colorful buttons. Remember that if your target audience is mobile shoppers, you want everything to be easy to see and read without taking up much bandwidth.

Limit Product Choices

The number of products you offer matters because you can bombard consumers with too many choices to the point they don't want to choose. Your product pages or category pages should be limited to your best selling niche products. Using a "show all" button can reduce the number of products displayed on a page. Stay focused on the niche products that give your company an edge in keywords.

Create Easy Navigation

Easy navigation is one of the basic keys to crafting a website designed to succeed. The navigation should be obvious from the homepage. One way to make navigation even easier is to reduce the number of destinations a user can go from the homepage. If navigation points to a lot of deep content, then it's a good idea to break navigation down into a series of steps.

Make the Search Box Easy to Find

A search box is one of the most helpful tools you can put on your website if it has become a wealth of deep content. The search box should be at the top of the page and easy to find. Make sure the search tool gives quick results on mobile devices.

Image Credit: Death to the Stock Photos


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Ajay Prasad

Ajay Prasad is the Founder and President of GMR Web Team, a leading healthcare digital marketing agency. He guides small and medium size healthcare practices/businesses in customizing their online marketing strategy, focused on building a loyal base of patients and improving their patient acquisition. Ajay believes in an improved patient experience as the key to successful healthcare business, which can be accomplished with the right marketing plan in place.

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