Going Beyond the Usual

Online businesses go out of the way to promote themselves. Often the promotion is blatant.

But there is no single step to conversion and after the fist step often nothing happens. So how do you convert your leads into interested prospects?

Simple: Go beyond the usual.

In the offline world we see it happen often. The handyman may thoroughly clean out the garage though it wasn't a part of the job. Your garage mechanic may use some petrol to clean out an old stain in your car upholstery. What will you do? Next time you ring up his company, you ask for him personally.

How do we emulate such examples in the online business?

Unfortunately in the online business we promise the moon and deliver the moonshine. This has lead to a lot of suspicion, In fact during routine website updates when we added some title tags to the pages have been personally asked by some clients, why are you doing it? They are awry. Am I going to sell them something or am I going to charge them later.

An online homemade chocolate company from whom I regularly order my supply of mint flavored black chocolate recently popped the message "Do you want to order your mint flavored chocolate too?" when I just ordered Almonds wrapped in chocolate for a gift. This online chocolate company kept data of its customers and personalized the experience of the shopping cart. It ensured that I won't ever go anywhere.

Being in the website marketing field I was impressed. I knew that they had customized the shopping cart and it must have been expensive especially for a small business. And yet they cared enough.


Sangeeta Kumar

Sangeeta Kumar is the Vice President of Web Marketing for GMR Web Team, a global online marketing, strategy, development and maintenance agency. Sangeeta is a jack-of-all-trades kinda person in the world of Internet marketing, excelling in market research to come up with a strategy based on the latest trends to get a website on page 1. She knows her stuff and enjoys a good discussion on SEO anywhere, anytime.

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