How to Trim the Maintenance Budget of Your ECommerce Site

Running an Ecommerce can be a lucrative way to earn money. However, there’s more to being successful in selling a product on the internet than having something people want to buy and making sure that they can find it.

In fact, one of the biggest deterrents to actually turning a profit that many upstart Ecommerce companies have is their maintenance budget. While some maintenance is essential, you may not have to be spending quite as much as you are each month right now in order to keep your...

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Guest Blogging May Get You Penalized By Google

As of late, the debate about whether or not using guest blogging is an ethical method of backlinking to your website has heated up. The short answer is yes, if you do it correctly. Guest blogging is when you publish an article on another person’s website. Many people use this tactic to link back to their websites, just as they did years ago, when they outsourced the compiling of hundreds of short blogs (usually around 200...

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Three Simple Ways to Make Your Website Sticky

There is a simple cardinal rule to increasing conversions online: the longer the people are on your website, the more likely they will convert. Don’t forget, however, that this is separate from the more fundamental rule of your online presence: if you’re going to survive and flourish in this crazy online world we inescapably live in today, you need to have fresh and relevant information on your site at all times. So the big question remains: how do you get them to stay on your website? That’s what I’m going to break down for you in this...

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Be Warned of the Cons of Social Media Marketing

In our last post we put a compiled list of the pros of SMM to enable you to reach your objective for online marketing. In this post we cover the cons. We believe (and hope you do too) that knowing the cons will reduce the number of mistakes you are going to make!


  • Information on the social web moves fast, but often at the expense of deeper personal relationships. Marketers, while they can reach customers...

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Do You Need a Spanish Version for Your Website?

The unofficial results of the census have resulted in a hullabaloo amongst internet marketers. Everyone is asking the same question- should we have a Spanish version of the website"

To quote a popular article eMarketer expects the Hispanic online population to grow by nearly 10 million people between 2010 and 2014.

The above data shows the estimated number of users from Hispanic population segment by the year 2014.

The crucial point is how to integrate this piece of information with your

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The Power of On-Site Push Marketing

Visitors who has arrived at your site, like what they see, and go to your shopping cart to make a purchase are much like patrons at a restaurant who have perused the menu and have decided on what they want to order for dinner. While the order is being placed the restaurant's waiter or waitress usually plays one of two roles; that of an order taker or that of someone who is trying to enhance the experience of the diner by suggesting appetizers, side dishes, and/or a bottle of wine to complement the main dish. This activity...

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Going Beyond the Usual

Online businesses go out of the way to promote themselves. Often the promotion is blatant.

But there is no single step to conversion and after the fist step often nothing happens. So how do you convert your leads into interested prospects?

Simple: Go beyond the usual.

In the offline world we see it happen often. The handyman may thoroughly clean out the garage though it wasn't a part of the job. Your garage mechanic may use some petrol to clean out an old stain in your car upholstery. What will you do? Next...

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