Predictions That Will Revamp Digital Marketing in 2015

Planning and good planning is a marketer’s weapon. So here’s a sneak peek for businesses and marketers as to what will matter in 2015.

Content Is and Will Continue to be the Most Vital Factor

Inspired content will make a difference. Lots of companies and businesses out there are creating good content. How will you stand out? The secret lies in mapping the content to the purchase funnel. For the bottom of the funnel keep content light and...

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How Social Media Can Drive Traffic to Your Trade Show

Small businesses are quickly realizing the power of social media and are incorporating it into their offline marketing activities. With a good social media plan, you can drive traffic to your booth and make prospective customers eager to do business with you.

Social media can add leverage to your small businesses to reach prospective clients and attract them to your trade booths.

Below are some social media marketing tips you can use to boost brand awareness, and make your next trade show a...

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Why Good Web Designers Harbor a Love for Fonts

Good web design is nothing to snicker at, and if you have a site or business that relies on the internet to make sales or get your brand out there, you know how important a good site is. However, one of the things that can go over the heads of many average people is the use of fonts when it comes to building a beautiful and successful website.

That doesn’t mean that fonts...

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How to Fix a Poor Website Information Architecture

It's a critical component of nearly every website ever built. It directly affects the user experience. And most people don't think about it--until it doesn't work.

It's the information architecture, and when it's broken or not well-thought out, people visiting your website can't find what they're looking for.

Poor Information Architecture: The Causes When website navigation isn't intuitive, easy to find or missing altogether,...

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4 Tips to Maximize Returns from a Modest Paid Search Budget

Paid search campaigns can be an excellent way to get people to your website, but if you don’t have a ton of money to spend, it can be difficult to figure out how to maximize your returns. After all, many of the big companies that use paid search do so with a much larger budget than you may have – at least at the moment. However, paid search can still be useful to you if you’re tight on money.

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Machine Translation: Is Immediacy Replacing Accuracy?

Machine Translation (MT) is a computerized process that translates text from one language to another. It's been around since the 1950s, and has evolved since then to be a viable way of bypassing human translators, however has generated mixed results.

On one hand it can save overhead expenses, but on the other hand it can lead to embarrassing misinterpretations. That's why MT needs to be evaluated on a case by case scenario to decide when it's better to use human translators.

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The Power of On-Site Push Marketing

Visitors who has arrived at your site, like what they see, and go to your shopping cart to make a purchase are much like patrons at a restaurant who have perused the menu and have decided on what they want to order for dinner. While the order is being placed the restaurant's waiter or waitress usually plays one of two roles; that of an order taker or that of someone who is trying to enhance the experience of the diner by suggesting appetizers, side dishes, and/or a bottle of wine to complement the main dish. This activity...

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Going Beyond the Usual

Online businesses go out of the way to promote themselves. Often the promotion is blatant.

But there is no single step to conversion and after the fist step often nothing happens. So how do you convert your leads into interested prospects?

Simple: Go beyond the usual.

In the offline world we see it happen often. The handyman may thoroughly clean out the garage though it wasn't a part of the job. Your garage mechanic may use some petrol to clean out an old stain in your car upholstery. What will you do? Next...

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