How to Avoid Web Design Disasters and Welcome Visitors to Your Site

The Internet has brought many very interesting tasks and considerations into the business world. It is an odd place where amazing sites, such as one that provide instruction and inspiration, reside in the same space as sites that are parasitic and harmful. It can make it very difficult for visitors to know which sites are serious and which are scams.

As a business, this is something that you have to keep in mind when designing your site.

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How to Design Your Business Website for Orange County Customers

Building a small-business website is complicated. You’ve got to secure a domain name, generate content, and figure out how to help people find it. By the time the entire process is complete, you just want to get back to business. But websites are all about doing business. And if you really want a website that works, you should take one more look at yours before you turn your attention back to the day-to-day operations of the office. Yes, before you flip the proverbial switch and go live with your new site, take a look at it through...

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How to Find a Good Web Design Company in Orange County

Having a professional website can take your business to the next level. A good website is more than just a beautiful design. A good website is the one that is designed to be easily found on search engines, provide a good user experience to visitors, and make visitors become leads. If you are searching for a company offering professional web design in Orange County, go for one that can design your site for conversions.

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Why Good Web Designers Harbor a Love for Fonts

Good web design is nothing to snicker at, and if you have a site or business that relies on the internet to make sales or get your brand out there, you know how important a good site is. However, one of the things that can go over the heads of many average people is the use of fonts when it comes to building a beautiful and successful website.

That doesn’t mean that fonts...

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Things to Do for Dealing with Web Design Theft

When you’re designing a website for your company or for personal use, chances are you’re spending a great deal of your time thinking about a creative eye-catching design that users will like. However, that creative design, even though you made it happen, may not remain solely yours forever.

That’s because web design theft has become a big problem for many businesses and individuals with creative sites. After all that hard work you put in on your site to make it unique, to make it stand out from the...

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Choose the Right Format for Better Image Quality

Knowing what images to use can be quite beneficial to a website designer. Essentially, anyone can put together a basic website with words on it. However, knowing what images to use and where can improve the flow of a website and entice visitors to return.

The Graphics Interchange Format, or GIF, was widely popular in the beginning stages of internet strategy. With its lossless data compression, these images can be animated with 256 colors per...

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Google +1 vs. Facebook Like

With the rise of Google +1 and the growing presence of Facebook Likes, its important to understand the fundamental differences between the two features. As stated on the Google website, "the +1 button is shorthand for this is pretty cool' or' you should check this out.' Click +1 to publicly give something your stamp of approval. Your +1's can help friends, contacts, and others on the web find the best stuff when they search." According to Facebook, 'the Like button lets a user share your content with friends on...

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