Mobile Marketing: A Smart Tool for Local Businesses

Mobile Marketing means finding ways to market your product for a mobile phone audience. Smartphones, whether the iPhone, Android, Blackberry or other types, are becoming more widely used by people because of the technology and the quality of the Internet use. In fact, today 43% of all mobile phone users have smartphones, a staggering statistic that will only continue to balloon in the next five years. Different companies are beginning to target mobile ideas and henceforth become a local search marketing company because of the seemingly infinite expanse of creative potential.

It's very important to become mobile optimized because a lot of business is being done on smartphones. Apps are constantly being released with functions targeted to help consumers. Consequentially, it is important for businesses to adapt to these new technologies and embrace how they can benefit their bottom-line. Since the whole concept of mobile marketing is really only in its infancy stage, small and large businesses alike can be pioneers in the field and really make a name for themselves with ingenuity.

A tip for local businesses to get started with mobile marketing is to develop a section on their webpage for mobile optimization. This is very important because mobile phones usually have trouble visiting sites that overdo it with graphics like flash programs as well as videos due to slow connection. By creating a simpler version that gets to the meat of what you want to say, you'll get a lot more mobile visitors who are more likely to stay on your website longer.

Another helpful tool for local businesses is to create a mobile campaign. Develop a section on your site that caters to text messaging and the like, so that you can get your message across on the go. This means that people can subscribe to a list for your text or video messaging. For example, if you were a local custom shoes company, you can announce the discounts you have on shoes as well as when you release a new pair. It's an excellent way to stay abreast to your audience while they are on the move. You can also incorporate the use of QR Codes into your campaign to link people to specific websites, act as mobile credits or introduce a special offer aimed at smartphone users.

Its still early in the mobile marketing game, which is the exciting part: ideas are more important than budgets right now. Small businesses can capture a segment of the market by applying their knowledge of their customers and prospects and creating a mobile campaign targeted directly towards them. Who are they "What do they want" What makes them excited about life "What can I do to make their lives better" These questions are important to keep in mind when creating your mobile campaign because, if done effectively, your mobile marketing idea could attract a flood of new customers.


Sangeeta Kumar

Sangeeta Kumar is the Vice President of Web Marketing for GMR Web Team, a global online marketing, strategy, development and maintenance agency. Sangeeta is a jack-of-all-trades kinda person in the world of Internet marketing, excelling in market research to come up with a strategy based on the latest trends to get a website on page 1. She knows her stuff and enjoys a good discussion on SEO anywhere, anytime.

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