Machine Translation: Is Immediacy Replacing Accuracy?

Machine Translation (MT) is a computerized process that translates text from one language to another. It's been around since the 1950s, and has evolved since then to be a viable way of bypassing human translators, however has generated mixed results.

On one hand it can save overhead expenses, but on the other hand it can lead to embarrassing misinterpretations. That's why MT needs to be evaluated on a case by case scenario to decide when it's better to use human translators.

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SWOT Analysis: An Absolute Must for Your Small Business

Every small business owner should consider doing a SWOT analysis, a strategic evaluation of the organization's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. First you need to set a time frame for achieving your goals. The main reason for going through this process is to help identify your weaknesses and what you can do to make improvements, as well as how you can maximize your strengths. The following breakdown of SWOT analysis will help you plan critical decisions for your business.

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Ways to Weed Out Fake Paid Search Managers While Hiring

When it comes to looking for a paid search manager, finding one isn’t difficult. However, for many people, finding a good one is exceedingly hard in a field where real professionals are becoming tougher and tougher to find. While you may not know exactly how to tell the difference between a fake paid search manager and real one at this moment, there are some surefire ways to help you hire the right person for you.

Use this guide to help you hire a reputable paid search manager...

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Defining Your Company's Ecommerce Buyer Personas: A Reflection

Constructing a buyer persona is an excellent model for improving your business. By creating fictional characters that represent your target market, you can establish a more clear vision of both your message and how it will affect consumers. Buyer personas can be shaped by either envisioning your target customers or interviewing them. The following tips will help you strengthen the process of developing useful buyer personas for ecommerce customers.

Consumer Questions

One way to...

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Applying Human Psychology for Better Contact Form Conversions

The contact form is something that every business needs for their website, but it’s not something that every business owner understands how to use properly. In fact, a good contact form can be pretty hard to come by on the internet despite how important having a good one really is to the success of a business.

If you’re trying to create one for your company, using human psychology can really be particularly beneficial. After all, you’re marketing to humans and playing into their feelings and how...

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The Significance of Infographics in Brand Building

Infographics have become very popular on websites and in social media partly because the combination of text and an image delivers information quickly, especially if the text includes comparative statistics. Images have become the standard for posting on social media sites like Facebook and Google+ because they capture people's attention better than posts with all text. Use the following information about infographics to help build...

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8 Tools to Choose a Business Name for Brand Building

When it comes to starting a business, good name might be all you have with regard to brand equity--so you better pick a good name.

There's a lot riding on the name you choose for your business: initial responses from the market, differentiation, brand recognition. But sometimes choosing just the right name can be challenging. Sometimes there are too many options, other times too few. Sometimes you feel like you can't think of any options.

But don't worry, the internet has...

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4 Tips to Attune Your Site for Greater MCommerce Capability

Mobile commerce, or simply mCommerce, has seen exponential growth over the last five years. As smartphones and other mobile devices become affordable, more people are switching their old basic feature phones for these feature-rich devices. According to data from the Pew Research Center, 56% of American adults have a smartphone.

For online business owners, this finding means one thing: make their stores accessible for users on mobile devices or risk losing significant amount of sales. If you have

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