How to Design Your Business Website for Orange County Customers

Building a small-business website is complicated. You’ve got to secure a domain name, generate content, and figure out how to help people find it. By the time the entire process is complete, you just want to get back to business. But websites are all about doing business. And if you really want a website that works, you should take one more look at yours before you turn your attention back to the day-to-day operations of the office. Yes, before you flip the proverbial switch and go live with your new site, take a look at it through...

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How to Grow Local Customer Base in Orange County

Local businesses need to focus on customer acquisition and retention to achieve their revenue objectives. There are various online marketing strategies that business are looking for, like better website design in Orange County to reach prospective customers in a fast, efficient, and cost-effective manner.

To get more leads and customers for your business, it is important to understand local marketing principles.

Below are 6 ways in which...

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How to Find a Good Web Design Company in Orange County

Having a professional website can take your business to the next level. A good website is more than just a beautiful design. A good website is the one that is designed to be easily found on search engines, provide a good user experience to visitors, and make visitors become leads. If you are searching for a company offering professional web design in Orange County, go for one that can design your site for conversions.

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How Web Designers Maintain Good Health

The web design industry isn’t exactly one where you’re going to get a lot of exercise during the day. After all, chances are you’re going to be parked in a chair most of the work day, and when you’re in the middle of a big project, that work day could easily be 10 or more hours in a single stretch.

However, there are some things you can do to maintain sound health if you work in the web

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6 Tips to Keep the Website Redesign Budget Under Control

Redesigning your website to align it better with your brand goals is a wise business decision. You can redesign your site to provide visitors with a better user experience, improve lead generation and close more sales

However, it is easy to get caught up in the redesign process for longer and end up paying higher than you had budgeted for. How do you ensure the web design agency you choose will redesign your website within the stipulated budget? Below are six tips that will help to keep your...

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Get SIRIous: Optimize Your Website for Siri

Where are my iPhone fans out there? Is anyone else as addicted as I am? Ever since the iPhone 4S came out last year, Siri has been causing quite a stir in the smartphone world, and has made an impression on millions of people worldwide. But what many are failing to realize is Siri's enormous potential for local businesses.

I know I've told Siri, "I'm hungry for some delicious (whatever) food around here" countless times, and every time she instantly delivers a list of restaurants with ratings and reviews. And...

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Designing a Website to Have Maximum Impact on Your Audience

While designing your website your main concern should be your audience. The people who visit and interact with your website are the reason that you are creating one in the first place, right" While designing your website strategy, these are the aspects you need to keep in mind:


Predefine the look and feel of your website in terms of the color palette, imagery and visuals. What kind of impression do you want your audience to have of your company" How is your website enabling that" Look at both your

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How to Make a Website for Smartphones

Every quality business will have a website. Whether you choose to design your site yourself or use professionals in website design in California, you'll need somewhere for customers to go online to view your business information. You'll also want to pop up on a mobile local search by having a site that's optimized for viewing from a mobile device.

The best way to optimize your business website for viewing on a mobile phone is to...

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