Predictions That Will Revamp Digital Marketing in 2015

Planning and good planning is a marketer’s weapon. So here’s a sneak peek for businesses and marketers as to what will matter in 2015.

Content Is and Will Continue to be the Most Vital Factor

Inspired content will make a difference. Lots of companies and businesses out there are creating good content. How will you stand out? The secret lies in mapping the content to the purchase funnel. For the bottom of the funnel keep content light and...

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What You Need to Know Before Geo-tagging Images

A relative newcomer on the SEO scene is the use of geo-tagging images as part of the overall website design for web pages, landing pages, and online marketing content. If you are still not sure what geo-tagging is or you want to know more about it, here are a few things you need to know before geo-tagging images on your websites, pages, and other online content.

What is Geo-Tagging? Geo-tagging is the use of location-specific information as part of an image's on-page data. This...

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4 Tips to Maximize Returns from a Modest Paid Search Budget

Paid search campaigns can be an excellent way to get people to your website, but if you don’t have a ton of money to spend, it can be difficult to figure out how to maximize your returns. After all, many of the big companies that use paid search do so with a much larger budget than you may have – at least at the moment. However, paid search can still be useful to you if you’re tight on money.

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Survey: 93% of Local SEOs Hope to Grow Their Business This Year

Any business person will tell you that they wish to stretch their business further. However, this is subject to the returns earned by the business. If the returns are good enough to sustain the business and remain, then the owner can use the surplus to expand the business so as to even get more returns. It is against this principle that most SEOs are laying the foundation of their business. What could be the drive behind all this?

 Good returns from the business

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Watch Out Siri! Google's Comin' For Ya…

When you think of searching, you probably think of Google. Since its inception, Google has been one of the most popular search engines on the Internet. Small wonder its new operating system is brilliant at searching just what you want, with Google Now as your new assistant. Google has a chance to surpass Apple using its new search capabilities. With the Android 4.1, or Jelly Bean as it’s affectionately called, searching is as easy as thinking what you want.

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Dominate YouTube for Your Local Business

It's ironic that in a culture that loves to fast forward through commercials, the first sites viewed after an Internet search are often video-based commercials. YouTube can be a powerful source of advertising for small and medium-sized businesses as long as it's done utilizing best Search Engine Optimization (SEO) practices. Best of all, it's completely free. Here are some tips on how to use local search marketing to dominate YouTube with PR

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What Twitter’s Redesigned Discover Tab Means for Local Businesses

It’s been about a month now since Twitter started rolling out its redesigned Discover tab, and I think we’re all still trying to figure out what this means for businesses, especially local ones. Focused on making the Twitter experience as relevant and personalized for each user as possible, the retooled Discover tab displays popular articles and breaking stories via Twitter’s real-time search technology that it thinks will interest you the most - based on your interests and location. And of course, the more you use Twitter, the more...

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Instagram Schminstagram… It’s Time To Use Flixel!

If you haven't heard the name Flixel, take note of it now, because in a few months it's going to be huge. This innovative photography iPhone app allows anyone to create beautiful pictures that have lives of their own.

The interface is simple: you take a picture, and with a few simple taps and swipes on the screen of the Flixel iPhone app, you can manipulate the picture and add motion to the image. Candles can flicker, hair can gently blow in the wind, and pages can flutter. All this in a matter of minutes. In the past, such...

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