Article Marketing- Internet Strategy for Business

What is Article Marketing?
The writing of articles related to your services, product or expertise and publishing it online for general audience is called article marketing.

How does it work?
Let us take the example of a site that offers weight loss surgery in Mexico. This site publishes a lot of articles online, almost 6 to 7 articles per month. Around 10% of visitors to this site (among 10,000s) come from article sites. This site uses article marketing as a foremost technique in its strategy for online visibility and targeted audience.

The best part is that this form of marketing comes relatively cheaper or even for free if you have a knack of writing.

So how does the site get traffic from article sites? All article publishing sites have an author resource box that lets you say something about yourself and your website. This author resource box is an important place for internet strategy because visitors get to know you and your website. So in the author resource box the site says that “ABC is the founder and owner of XYZ, a company specializing as a scheduling service for weight loss surgeries in the safest city in Mexico at one-third the prices of weight loss surgery in USA because cost of living in Mexico is cheaper than the US.”

After reading the resource box people click on the link and come to the site because they have read your article and want to know more.

Do how does it help you?

  • Sends traffic to your website through the resource box.
  • Gets back links to the site, which matters where search engines are concerned.

How to do it?
For optimum results each article should be around 500 to 700 words.

  • Target only a single keyword in the article, and use synonyms.
  • Pay particular attention to the resource box. It has the capability to drive traffic to your site.
  • Do not blatantly promote your site or product.

What is Article Marketing?
The writing of articles related to your services, product or expertise and publishing it online for general audience is called article marketing.

How does it work?
Let us take the example of a site that offers weight loss surgery in Mexico. This site publishes a lot of articles online, almost 6 to 7 articles per month. Around 10% of visitors to this site (among 10,000s) come from article sites. This site uses article marketing as a foremost technique in its strategy for online visibility and targeted audience.

The best part is that this form of marketing comes relatively cheaper or even for free if you have a knack of writing.

So how does the site get traffic from article sites? All article publishing sites have an author resource box that lets you say something about yourself and your website. This author resource box is an important place for internet strategy because visitors get to know you and your website. So in the author resource box the site says that “ABC is the founder and owner of XYZ, a company specializing as a scheduling service for weight loss surgeries in the safest city in Mexico at one-third the prices of weight loss surgery in USA because cost of living in Mexico is cheaper than the US.”

After reading the resource box people click on the link and come to the site because they have read your article and want to know more.

Do how does it help you?

  • Sends traffic to your website through the resource box.
  • Gets back links to the site, which matters where search engines are concerned.

How to do it?
For optimum results each article should be around 500 to 700 words.

  • Target only a single keyword in the article, and use synonyms.
  • Pay particular attention to the resource box. It has the capability to drive traffic to your site.
  • Do not blatantly promote your site or product.

Article Format
Ensure that your articles are well formulated.

  1. A Headline: that is attractive, arouses curiosity, highlights a problem and entices the reader to read on. Try to ensure that the keyword in contained in the headline.
  2. A Sub-Headline: is an option in some sites. It should offer a light into the problem highlighted in the headline
  1. Keywords: Put the primary keyword first followed by variations of the phrase along with synonyms.
  2. Article body: should be of around 500 words. Try to keep the flow smooth covering all aspects of your topic in brief.
  1. Author Resource Box; author resource box is the most important link back to your website. Your article may be excellent, but if people do not visit your site it’s all effort gone down the drain. The resource box must tell something about you, your website and MUST contain a Call to Action. For example:

My Article Is Ready Now What?

One your article is ready you need to post your articles online to get them across to viewer.
There are two ways to do it.

  1. Use a paid posting service like SubmitYOURArticle that publishes the article on it’s website and syndicates it to publishers further.
  2. Use the repository of free article posting websites on the internet and post the articles at those sites.

In both cases you need to create a user account. Remember, some sites will publish them immediately while others will publish the articles after screening them.

Helpful Hints

  • Use a combination of paid and free posting
  • Send article links to your friends and colleagues
  • Use keywords as the anchor text to link back to your site.
  • In the body try to use the keyword at least twice or thrice.
  • Keep the sentences and paragraphs short.
  • Proof read your article several times.
  • Though 7 is a good number post at least 3 articles a month.


Till next week,



Sangeeta Kumar

Sangeeta Kumar is the Vice President of Web Marketing for GMR Web Team, a global online marketing, strategy, development and maintenance agency. Sangeeta is a jack-of-all-trades kinda person in the world of Internet marketing, excelling in market research to come up with a strategy based on the latest trends to get a website on page 1. She knows her stuff and enjoys a good discussion on SEO anywhere, anytime.

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