Leveraging Social Media to Meet High Profile People

Social media is becoming more and more of an important tool each and every day for people in the business world. In fact, it’s one of the most important tools that a person can have if they’re working on their own or running a small company that they’ve just started without a lot of contacts.

However, many small business owners just don’t understand the best ways to use social media to help them get ahead. One way is to leverage social media to help you meet high profile and influential people who...

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Will Mobile Apps Be Google’s Failure?

Google is by far the most popular search engine and based on data gathered by Statistic Brain, the average number of daily searches in 2012 was 5,134,000,000. Revenue hit $50 billion during that year and founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin celebrated Google's 14th birthday.

Despite the fact that a large portion of Internet users turn to this search engine to find virtually anything on the web, it seems that smartphone users are spending more time on apps. Approximately 80% of...

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Why Do Eyes Gravitate to Images on Facebook?

Alright, somebody let the cat out of the bag. Facebook will soon take over the world. We will be witnesses. Not quite, but Facebook is now a leader in the social networking industry. Statistics show that viewers are more likely to remember a Facebook Page status than they are a Twitter tweet, or any other post for that matter--Google and LinkedIn included. Facebook is the preferred media for social networking today, and it’s no surprise. Facebook has a unique advantage that other social networking sites can’t take enough advantage of…the...

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The Fundamentals of Facebook and Twitter Content

Social media is making its mark on the world in many areas. Since the introduction of Facebook and Twitter, businesses have found numerous uses for these tools. Social media websites have served in public relations, marketing and sales roles, along with playing an increasingly large part in customer service. Tools that initially served to connect friends have now evolved into incredible business opportunities.

Not only can you...

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Response on Social Media Platforms

Social media has ensured that anyone can talk about anything including your company and how great it is or how it sucks (Aw!)

Are you there during the company bashing sessions on social media platforms?

It is very tough to track everything that is being said about you because even setting up a Google alert with the brand name or product name may not crawl through a social media platform. And that is exactly where the influencers and consumers are. This requires certain amount of manual work but it is worth...

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