Watch Out Siri! Google's Comin' For Ya…

When you think of searching, you probably think of Google. Since its inception, Google has been one of the most popular search engines on the Internet. Small wonder its new operating system is brilliant at searching just what you want, with Google Now as your new assistant. Google has a chance to surpass Apple using its new search capabilities. With the Android 4.1, or Jelly Bean as it’s affectionately called, searching is as easy as thinking what you want.

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What Twitter’s Redesigned Discover Tab Means for Local Businesses

It’s been about a month now since Twitter started rolling out its redesigned Discover tab, and I think we’re all still trying to figure out what this means for businesses, especially local ones. Focused on making the Twitter experience as relevant and personalized for each user as possible, the retooled Discover tab displays popular articles and breaking stories via Twitter’s real-time search technology that it thinks will interest you the most - based on your interests and location. And of course, the more you use Twitter, the more...

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How to Make a Website for Smartphones

Every quality business will have a website. Whether you choose to design your site yourself or use professionals in website design in California, you'll need somewhere for customers to go online to view your business information. You'll also want to pop up on a mobile local search by having a site that's optimized for viewing from a mobile device.

The best way to optimize your business website for viewing on a mobile phone is to...

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