5 Basic Maintenance Drive Your Ecommerce Site Needs

Once you have your website, the most difficult part of creating and operating an e-commerce store is over. However, now you must be concerned with the maintenance.

Your business relies on your site being functional and appealing all of the time, which is why maintenance is vital to keeping your website current and fixing issues as soon as they arise.

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Top 5 Rewards of Outsourcing Your Web Development Projects

All successful business today must have a website, and it has to be both appealing and user friendly. A well-designed website offers business owners a wide range of benefits, from attracting more clients to an edge over the competition.

To get the most out of a website, it needs to be informative without being overwhelming, visually appealing, and well organized.

Most business owners do not have the time, knowledge, or resources to handle their own website, but that is just...

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How to Fix a Poor Website Information Architecture

It's a critical component of nearly every website ever built. It directly affects the user experience. And most people don't think about it--until it doesn't work.

It's the information architecture, and when it's broken or not well-thought out, people visiting your website can't find what they're looking for.

Poor Information Architecture: The Causes When website navigation isn't intuitive, easy to find or missing altogether,...

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How Web Designers Maintain Good Health

The web design industry isn’t exactly one where you’re going to get a lot of exercise during the day. After all, chances are you’re going to be parked in a chair most of the work day, and when you’re in the middle of a big project, that work day could easily be 10 or more hours in a single stretch.

However, there are some things you can do to maintain sound health if you work in the web

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6 Important Rules for Creating an Attractive Web Design

Creating a website is not difficult. With the many available WYSIWYG design software and easy-to-use content management systems, anyone can easily design a website. However, what separates novice designers from experts has to do more with skills and talent.

Below are six important elements that make an aesthetically pleasing website which will get noticed among the masses.

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6 Tips to Keep the Website Redesign Budget Under Control

Redesigning your website to align it better with your brand goals is a wise business decision. You can redesign your site to provide visitors with a better user experience, improve lead generation and close more sales

However, it is easy to get caught up in the redesign process for longer and end up paying higher than you had budgeted for. How do you ensure the web design agency you choose will redesign your website within the stipulated budget? Below are six tips that will help to keep your...

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Guest Blogging May Get You Penalized By Google

As of late, the debate about whether or not using guest blogging is an ethical method of backlinking to your website has heated up. The short answer is yes, if you do it correctly. Guest blogging is when you publish an article on another person’s website. Many people use this tactic to link back to their websites, just as they did years ago, when they outsourced the compiling of hundreds of short blogs (usually around 200...

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Will Mobile Apps Be Google’s Failure?

Google is by far the most popular search engine and based on data gathered by Statistic Brain, the average number of daily searches in 2012 was 5,134,000,000. Revenue hit $50 billion during that year and founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin celebrated Google's 14th birthday.

Despite the fact that a large portion of Internet users turn to this search engine to find virtually anything on the web, it seems that smartphone users are spending more time on apps. Approximately 80% of...

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Instagram Schminstagram… It’s Time To Use Flixel!

If you haven't heard the name Flixel, take note of it now, because in a few months it's going to be huge. This innovative photography iPhone app allows anyone to create beautiful pictures that have lives of their own.

The interface is simple: you take a picture, and with a few simple taps and swipes on the screen of the Flixel iPhone app, you can manipulate the picture and add motion to the image. Candles can flicker, hair can gently blow in the wind, and pages can flutter. All this in a matter of minutes. In the past, such...

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