5 Website Redesign Tips to Maintain Your Ranking

5 Website Redesign Tips to Maintain Your Ranking

Whenever you give the green light for a complex website redesign, you must take precautions to preserve your existing rankings in search engines. The ramifications of a poor website redesign can include losing your rankings in search.

We've compiled 5 tips to help maintain your search rankings through a website redesign.

Know How You Rank at All Times

Stay up to date with your search rankings so that you have ideas which pages need improvement. You should consistently analyze your analytics and get a feel for which keywords work the best with your site and what areas need the most work. A site audit and SWOT analysis will help you learn more about your site's strengths and weaknesses. It also helps to study your competitors.

Test Out New Keywords

Even though you have found the best keywords that describe your business, it doesn't hurt to test out new keywords from time to time. Businesses are constantly evolving with new technology and trends, which can present opportunities for new keywords. The more keywords connect you with consumers, the stronger your business will be. You can revive web pages that have low traffic by retargeting them with new keywords.


Whenever you decide to change your URL, it is important to include a 301 redirect message, which will safely reassign rank from old to new web pages, without hurting your position. Certain pages may need redirection while others will be made obsolete. The website redesign should ensure that you do not create redirects for irrelevant or outdated pages from the old site.

Optimize Content

Never lose sight of how you can optimize web content with the help of crawler tools and SEO content analyzers. Most importantly, your content should be unique and provide reasons for followers to keep coming back. If your site needs more traffic or engagement, ask yourself what types of content are in demand yet are limited in search results.

Maintain Your Site with Webmaster Tools

Search rank mainly depends on quick site and keyword analysis. You can help Google learn more about your site and speed up web crawling of your pages by submitting an updated sitemap to Google Webmaster Tools, which will evaluate your SEO.

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Need a website redesign for your business without losing rankings? LET'S TALK THEN or CALL 714-731-9000 for consultation.


Ajay Prasad

Ajay Prasad is the Founder and President of GMR Web Team, a leading healthcare digital marketing agency. He guides small and medium size healthcare practices/businesses in customizing their online marketing strategy, focused on building a loyal base of patients and improving their patient acquisition. Ajay believes in an improved patient experience as the key to successful healthcare business, which can be accomplished with the right marketing plan in place.

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