Website Rx: Doc-Approved Website Design Tips for Improved Appointments

In this digital age, a healthcare website's functionality can significantly enhance patient experience and satisfaction. Hence, we sought the expertise of healthcare professionals to reveal the one must-have feature for a successful healthcare website that has helped them improve their appointment requests. From offering virtual tours and multimedia to providing multilingual support, explore the key features that have enhanced their respective healthcare brands.

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The Ultimate Website Redesign Checklist and Planning Guide

Website redesign is the process of improving and updating a website to enhance the user experience (UX) and keeping the website up-to-date with latest trends and technologies. A website redesign checklist helps us in avoiding the pitfalls of poor planning and execution.

Following a website redesign checklist also ensures a systematic and complete execution of all the SEO perspectives before a website gets live.

Pre-launch website redesign checklist

What to check...

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Optimizing for Voice Search in 2017

voice search As voice search continues to become a new dimension of local search, it's time to ask yourself if your site is ready to be optimized for voice search.  For some people, it makes life easier to talk to their search engine rather than type words. The more you can stay up to date with search technology, the better...

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4 Thrilling Takeaways from Facebook's F8 2016

Facebook 10 Year roadmap At F8. the annual developer conference in San Francisco, Mark Zuckerberg, the 31-year-old Facebook CEO, unveiled their 10 year roadmap for the world’s largest social networking website. Facebook’s grand roadmap [image above] will focus on improving its existing set of applications. In the coming five years, Facebook developers will be bent more towards...

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