4 Tips to Attune Your Site for Greater MCommerce Capability

Mobile commerce, or simply mCommerce, has seen exponential growth over the last five years. As smartphones and other mobile devices become affordable, more people are switching their old basic feature phones for these feature-rich devices. According to data from the Pew Research Center, 56% of American adults have a smartphone.

For online business owners, this finding means one thing: make their stores accessible for users on mobile devices or risk losing significant amount of sales. If you have

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4 Mobile-Savvy Tips for Mid-Sized Businesses to Stay Competitive

Over a third of all online searches are now done on mobile devices and this trend is still growing. One of the most important things to remember about mobile users is that they search differently than desktop users. While desktop users work in relaxed environments in the comfort of a home or office, mobile users are usually on the go, either riding in a car or another vehicle or walking around while shopping. However, the majority of mobile users are usually trying to pass time. Mobile requires more immediacy and brevity. Here are some tips to...

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Microsoft Flips Windows 8 Flash Ban

Microsoft has made a significant change of course regarding Windows devices and user access to Flash content. Going forward, Microsoft mobile devices, tablets, and desktop browsers will allow Flash to run unless the content being requested is on a Microsoft-created blacklist of prohibited websites. Previously, users had been experiencing potential problems with Flash or even a complete inability to view certain Flash sites. Upon the rollout of Windows 8, people using IE10 on desktop computers could use Flash but experienced sporadic and...

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