Online Security Can Influence Holiday Shopping: A Study

During the past year, there have been multiple security breaches with major retailers including Target, Kmart, and Home Depot that have affected tens of millions of consumers. As such, it is not surprising that one quarter of the 3,039 participants in's second annual small business perception survey stated that they were likely to change their online shopping behaviour during the 2014 holiday season. In fact, nearly one third stated that they were seriously considering changing their habits.

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The Ultimate Ways to Boost Your Holiday Sales

The holiday season is a notoriously slow sales season for everybody that sells something that can’t be put under a Christmas tree. For example, car sales plummet in the winter months around the holidays, and the people who sell cars do everything they can to earn a profit in the slowest months of the year.

While your sales may not be as bad as the average car dealership at this time of the year, the holidays can still be tricky for many salesman and small businesses. However, there are some tips out there that can help you boost sales...

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Smart Strategies to Sell Your First Product Online

If you’re new to internet marketing and selling products online, it can seem like a complicated world. While there are obviously many different companies working with various distributors to sell products over the internet, it can be particularly challenging to figure out what it is you should be selling. Instead of playing the guessing game and simply trying a product out and hoping it works, use these smart strategies to help...

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