Key Components of Effective Healthcare Marketing & Success with Seth Carlson

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Seth Carlson

Seth Carlson

Hosted By
Ajay Prasad

Ajay Prasad

About the Episode

The podcast features Ajay Prasad interviewing Seth Carlson, a career coach specializing in the STEM fields, focusing on career development and business skills for professionals. They discuss Carlson's work with Acquired Salary and its partnership with medical clinics, emphasizing the aesthetics practice, Dimension Dry Eye and Aesthetics, launched in 2021. The conversation delves into effective healthcare marketing strategies, highlighting the importance of a robust online presence, stellar online reviews, and ongoing efforts to improve patient satisfaction. They explore the role of content marketing in capturing search traffic and differentiating healthcare services, emphasizing engaging content to reduce patient anxiety and generate leads. Additionally, differences between B2B and B2C healthcare marketing are discussed, noting the emotional component in consumer decision-making. Proven strategies for optimizing medical practice marketing are shared, stressing the importance of understanding competition, leveraging strengths, and addressing weaknesses to attract more patients and enhance satisfaction. The discussion concludes with Carlson's insights on leveraging strengths while improving weaknesses for business growth.

  • Introduction and Background (00:00): Introduction of Seth Carlson, his background, and his business, Acquired Salary.
  • Acquired Salary and Partnerships (01:01): Discussion about Acquired Salary's partnership with medical clinics and the launch of Dimension Dry Eye and Aesthetics.
  • Key Components of Effective Healthcare Marketing (03:35): Exploration of digital marketing strategies, importance of online presence, reviews, and patient satisfaction.
  • Healthcare Content Marketing (09:06): The role of content marketing in capturing search traffic and differentiating healthcare services.
  • Differences Between B2B and B2C Marketing (15:20): Discussion on the unique aspects of marketing to businesses versus consumers.
  • Optimizing Medical Practice Marketing (21:25): Strategies for attracting more patients and improving healthcare business through competitive analysis and leveraging strengths.
  • Leveraging Strengths and Improving Weaknesses (26:39): Insights on focusing on strengths while addressing weaknesses for business growth.
  • Conclusion and promotion (32:00): Wrap-up and final thoughts on marketing strategy and patient satisfaction.

About Seth Carlson:

Seth Carlson is a seasoned Career Coach at Acquired Salary, with a strong foundation in the Pharmaceutical, Medical Device, and Clinical Trials sectors. Leveraging his expertise, Seth specializes in guiding STEM professionals to define their career goals and overcome knowledge gaps in career development and business. His targeted advice has swiftly enhanced the career trajectories of many within weeks

Episode Transcript

Speaker: Welcome to the Founder’s Corner, the podcast where ambitious entrepreneurs and professional comes to learn the secret of success by our founder, Ajay. Join Ajay as he sits down with healthcare professionals to discuss ways of improving their marketing efforts. As an entrepreneur and the proud owner of several seven-figures web-based businesses, Ajay has vowed to dedicate himself to helping healthcare professionals in building their practices. If you would like to contact Ajay and become a guest on Founder’s Corner podcast, fill out the form on our website. I’m your host Duyen. And today, our guest is Seth Carlson, a career coach at Acquired Salary with a background in pharmaceutical, medical device and clinical trial industry. Seth specializes in guiding STEM professionals to enhance their career development and business skills, aiming to improve their career outlook in just a few weeks.

Ajay Prasad: Seth, how are you?

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Audio Transcription by GMR Transcription

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